Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Happy Chinese New Year again, guys.

I just woke up feeling refreshed, as if I'd slept for 10 hours instead of 4.

Must have been something to do with the fact that I dreamt about Wang Lee Hom, in which we got to know each other in my dream and we got together because we liked each other on first sight :X

There was sweet hand/pinky fingers holding, shy smiles, movie-watching, and... *giggles* Right, let's not get into that, aye?

I took off from work today. Shh! It should be a great week for me then, having only to work on Thursday and Friday.

Would be going to the Absolute Comics shop at Parco Bugis later on to get that Spike and Buffy figurines, and make use of the last day of my long holiday.

Have a great day, people :)

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