Monday, July 20, 2015


1.24am, Leonard: He don't want you why you still want him??


I really thought Mike and I were happy. He sounded happy. I WAS happy. I thought we were having a great time together... I guess it was all just one-sided.


I just went on a first date with a guy who's more of my age (36 this year) than Mike. He apparently went through a nasty breakup earlier this year, so we were kind of similar in respect to how we see our current situation, and the whole dating game.

We both want to move the fuck on, but sometimes, we just want to retreat into ourselves. Some times, we meet the right person at the wrong fking time, because we've not moved on from our previous relationship - But we still try to date, all for the singular possibility that this might be the person I can move on with, just like Mike, whom I moved on with from Randy.

We spent the better part of 6 hours together tonight at Robertson Quay, but at one point during the night when we discussed why we got onto Tinder, there was this lingering sadness in the air for the both of us.

O is a perfectly nice guy - good-looking, nice career, good head on his shoulders, and apparently cooks fabulous Italian dishes; but did we meet each other at an appropriate moment? Are we both ready to move on?

I don't know. All I know is that I got home, and I started crying thinking about Mike.

And I hate that.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


I'm having a Duvel at an ale house, on a date, and it reminds me of you so much, it hurts. It just doesn't taste the same anymore.

Friday, July 10, 2015

弟子规 和 孟子

I've always taken to waxing lyrical with quotes in English (or translated to English), so I thought I'd share some of the teachings of my proud Chinese heritage.

同是人 类不齐 流俗众 仁者希
果仁者 人多畏 言不讳 色不媚
能亲仁 无限好 德日进 过日少
不亲仁 无限害 小人进 百事坏

We are all human beings, but we are not all the same. Out of all the common folk, the virtuous are sparse.
People are always wary of the virtuous, but the virtuous are not afraid to speak their mind, or allow themselves to take to frivolous fawning.
Love your people, and all is well - for your merits will bring you joyous days.
Not caring for your fellow people will only bring unending suffer, as the villainous will enter your life.

君子所以异于人者,以其存心也。君子以仁存心,以礼存心。仁者爱人,有礼者敬人。 爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。有人于此,其待我以横逆则君子必自反也:我必不仁也,必无礼也;此物奚宜至哉!

What differs a "gentleman/lady" from others, is in the intent in his/her heart. A gentleman stores benevolence and kindness in his heart.
A benevolent person loves, a polite person respects. A loving person will be loved by all his fellow beings, and a respectful person will be respected by all his peers.
It is here where I reflect, that while I do not have to be virtuous and kind, I do not have to be heartless and cruel, either.

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

(Han) Solo drinkers

At E.Pachi supporting Ni, since I wanted a drink anyway. There's this one other guy who's also at the al fresco area right now, and we're both solo.

I'm drinking alone because I hate to be home and face the hostility - I wonder what's his story?

Something frivolous to muse over.  I often find solidarity in fellow lone drinkers; there is always a story.

Maybe I should have become a bartender. They get the most interesting stories of them all.


Editor's note, 8.58pm: Ah, so he's not flying solo like me, his girl friends were just really late. Oh well.

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Happy birthday, to you.

Happy birthday, my Puffer Bill.

I miss you.