Monday, September 19, 2005

"Strange fits of passion have I known, and I will dare to tell, But in the lover's ear alone, what once to me befell."

Ahh, finally back home. Mel's 11days leave from NS ended.

Got a good news tho; He's posted out to become a RP (Resident
Regiment Police? *Shrugs*) and he only has to work alternative days and maybe some weekends.

Not sure if it's an 8-5 job anot, but the alternate working days is way cool and I guess it won't be a problem if I find an employment that requires me to work on weekends.

Anyway, I welcomed this 5 new members into the cosy family of my room:

The old grandpa in the background is called the Master. Ignore him. He's just jealous I brought these widdle Spikes back home and of how much I wuv them. *Girlish giggles*

Now I've got 6 Spike figurines! 6!

Mel got these 5 lovely Spike(s) for me for $190. From the guy I was buying from. Ain't he sneaky? =)

I was so disappointed when the seller told me someone offered a higher price for his Spike merchandises that I was in quite a low mood. We'd then went out to buy a birthday present before we went down to Yishun for her birthday dinner.

Mel told me that he was going to pick something up from his campmate since the guy lives in Yishun too, so I grudgingly agreed despite running a little late.

We eventually got lost around the neighbourhood and after waiting in the car for 10mins for him to return, I blew my top at him until he passed me the huge paperbag and told me to see what's inside.

I'll tell you, I was so flustered and sheepish that I almost swallowed my own tongue. The intense guilt for yelling at him through-out the car trip is something I really don't wish to experience again, lol.

My boyfriend, Melvin Lim Jie Ying, the old-fashioned man who can't be romantic to save his life, spent all of his remaining pay on me?

Most importantly, he even planted a surprise? Oh my gawd! Lol =P

He even got me a new pair of sunglasses and some PEZ dispensers.

Did I mention how much I hate my nose?

Despite the fact that he spent half his time at the computer desk and a few "heated discussions" over the week, We had fun visiting toy/figurine shops for my BtVS figures and his Venom/Marvel/DC comic figures and spending so many days together.

It still bothers me whenever I think about how our future will pan out, but after our last argument(which was Saturday), I decided to take his shortcomings into stride. I'll only worry about it when I've reached my limits.

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