Thursday, August 11, 2005

Happy belated 40th birthday Singapore! =X

Heh, can't believe I'd forgotten to wish dear ole Singapore happy birthday! It was also Mel's sister's 12th birthday, so I went for Germaine's birthday celebration with them at the Thai Village restaurant(yum, sharkfins and abalones) near the stadium, and watched the fireworks.

Watched the parade on TV for only like 5 minutes, but it was enough for me to smirk at the clumsiness of the St. Johns' marching and hentak kaki, and gloat at the SPF and NPCC cadets' smart unity and timing to my boyfriend.

'M not sure if it's the angle, but the last time I saw the National Day fireworks upclose, it was much more impressive. The first minute or two was a little disappointing, but hell, I love the finale. Saw it when we were driving out from the parking lot and the view wasn't obstructed.

Took a fairly interesting photo of an Ah Pek in a cab but *gasps* I can't find my digicam's cable! *shrugs* Oh well I think it should still be somewhere in my room.

Anyway, *beams in pride* I killed an adult cockroach earlier on! As some of you guys already know, I have a phobia for all bugs and even ants if their size are rather big. Cockroaches are probably my nemesis but I still manage to kill some every now and then.

I didn't even panick when I saw it flash past me on the table in my peripheral vision. Fine, maybe I was too shocked that I froze for a sec.

Still, after 5 minutes of hide and seek and my Shieldtox in hand, it was game over for one of the longest living creatures on earth. *Smug grin*

Okay, enough of my stupid cockroach endeavour. Time for me to eat my popcorn and watch some of the VCDs I bought. *Thinks wistfully* You know, popping popcorn with normal microwave (not those machines at the cinemas, that's cheating!) has almost become a lost art. You either burnt most of them or have alot of unpopped ones left.

My advice is set the timer at 4.15 mins max. Don't risk it. Stand by the microwave because sometimes a 5 secs difference will disappoint you. And you can always scoop the kernels back into the bag to re-pop. =P

Casablanca, here I come!

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