Sunday, January 25, 2009

Let the festivities begin!

I got assigned to the duty of going to the NTUC hypermart for crabs and other supplies this morning.

I should have had the foresight to wear my wararmour. Brr.

Anyway, 'tho I grumbled and griped about having to wake up early this morning, the foray to the supermart and wet market was a fortifying and educating trip. It somewhat gave me a glimpse into my future as domestic goddess, and it surprisingly wasn't half-bad, though on a grim note, I am not sure when or if I will ever get the chance of domestication.

CNY 2009 is my 本命年... I can't believe this is my 2nd cycle of the Chinese Zodiac. *Moans* GAWD I FEEL SO OLD!

Soooo anyway,  here's to wishing all my blogders a prosperous, peaceful and wonderous New Year filled with happiness and joy!


祝你 新年快乐 万事如意
牛年吉祥, 恭喜發財!

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