Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jenx, the crappy serial dater.

So far, there's been H, A, A2, Z, and K who have asked me out. Not considering the one I was kind of seeing late last year that stretched till January this year.

ALL of them went somewhat ka-boom after the first date, well, at least the first or second. And it wasn't like I flunked them all; In fact, I've only flunked 2! Not too sure about K, since he was fairly recent - We were out on Friday night, but judging by how he's not texted me this couple of days, I think I know. *Wry smirk*

I'm a crappy serial dater :( Too coy with some, too prudish with others. So, yeah... I'd rather go back to my old status quo of not dating much and enjoy some peace and quiet.

Jenx, the crappy serial dater - Henceforth temporarily retired.

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