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Who don't love Fridays? Thing is, the days are moving along at such a speed(though 9am-6pm will never end fast enough) that it frightens me.
Oh, the horrors of a woman past 20. I dread my coming birthday on 3rd October, because I won't be able to declare myself "Forever 21" anymore. Not honestly, at least.
Just had a particularly sinful lunch of Oishi Pizza's party combo with the boys and the ladies. There were 9 of us, but there's still 1 1/2 pizzas left over. Oh dear. I guess thats the reason why I'm putting my Art of Eating Snake© to good use right now.
Sometimes I wonder. I took the initiative to know the boys (for Jenny's sake, lol) and asked them to join us for lunches. Yet now, I seem the one least 'close', for a lack of better words.
I definitely can derive several reasons: I'm not as goh goh di/manja as the other ladies, not as daring, and not as slim and pretty as them. Whenever I try to act cute or manja, I just... can't. I'm much younger than the OLs, but I end up the big sister figure, again.
I will be officially old in a couple of years. I don't want to be a constant big sister figure. If you read my friendster, alot of my guy friends always call me 大姐. I was close to them because I'm a good buddy in their eyes. I just wanna be a girl. Not the cynical bitch currently typing this entry.
I'm genuinely a caring and friendly person and all that rot, yet I always end up the girl in the background. 'Cos seriously, who would bother? Let's just face the facts yea - I'm simply not attractive or daring enough to garner attention.
More to the point, in life, in work, similar things happen to me. In several incidents, whereby I was entitled to certain things, or promised to be part of something, where finally, something good was about to happen to me, someone else would come into the picture and more or less demand or 'request insistently' to take over or be part of it.
I would hum and haw, and finally be pushed off, because, oh, "Jennifer is nice. She would understand."
Well I DON'T want to understand! If you ask me whether its my jealousy rearing its ugly head, I would answer I don't know. But, what I do know is that, minus-ing my bad points, I would be a considerate, caring, friendly, blah bla blah girl in most people's mind. I'm bloody sick of it. What's the soddin' use? Good guys always finish last.
Anywayyys, moving on to more mundane subjects, yours truly have straightened her hair to how it was always supposed to be!
It isn't exactly ramrod straight since I did soft straightening, but I guess I kinda like it.

Yea, my hair can't hide my chubby face anymore =(
And a look more befitting my mood as of late. See lah, Mr Yat! Got influenced by you =Hmm. I like the 2nd look. Lemme take out my bottle of black nailpolish and my darker makeups and experiment ;)~
The electricity tripped for our floor in the office earlier on, which lasted a whoppin' 30mins.It was one the best working Mondays of my life :D
I need recommendations for good driving instructors in west area or AMK area.Any suggestions whether I should take school or private? Class 3? Auto?Gimme a holla please! I hope to get my driving license asap =)My baby's got a car~
Ugh, I think I had 1 too many Shiraz. Was at Wine Company owned by Tommy, with Yan and her friends, and friends of friends earlier on for dinner, and I was humbled by their idle chats of hunting deers and bears, quarterly skiing trips and bicycle wheels that cost them $10,000, blah blah blah.
Wth, Joseph is even the cousin of Lee Hsien Long. I felt like a tiny, squished pea sitting next to them, but I'll have to say - They're definitely interesting, if not arrogant. I looked at them, and I wished I was an insurance agent instead of customer service consultant. I could practically hear the ka-chings.
By anyhoos, the Chocolate Molten Lava there is to die for. It's at Evans Road, right beside the Institute of Education at Bukit Timah Road - You should try it. Seriously.
Random picture of the day... Mr K and Mr D enjoying a tender moment by sharing the garlic bread. Aww... LOL.
I love Friday the 13ths. And today is the only one this year.
Coupled with the upcoming cosplay chalet that Sheng and his sis will be holding, my mind is currently awash with gothic lolita costumes, and namely erololi or schoolboy lolis.
Maybe I'll just scout for something during the BKK trip =) I mean, I'll have to find something to do since I won't be able to find normal clothes my size in Thailand, yea?
Anyway, last weekend was busy busy busy! My 'schedule' was filled to the brim with outing on Thursday, clubbings on Friday and Saturday, then birthday celebration for my dear friend on Sunday.

My loves.

Yours truly, Jessica, Sheng, Yan, and Ting, our birthday girl :)
It was fun, I mean, yea, it was an awesome weekend, I even saw Leo, but I think the lack of sleep took its toil on me and I'm down with flu this week. Bleah.
Oh anyhoos, here's some eye candy for you 妹妹s out there.
Actually, they're not much younger than me; they're 21 and I'm 22, but damn if I don't feel much older!Damn act cute... Wahaha.
Well, I haven't been on eBay for a few months, but I got on recently to help my niece get some stuff she wanted, so I had a 'look-see' around to snoop for some James Marsters' merchandises.
Lo and behold...
I came across this and more or less fell in love.
Okay, it's not that gorgeous, but it WOULD be a wonderous addition to my collection.

Unfortunately, I'm so freaking overbudget that I can't afford this SGD$200++ piece. *Sigh* And its not even my birthday yet, so I can't pester anyone to get it for me.
*Goes to brood in a dark corner*
'Lo and behold...
Your camwhore queen.
Kneel and kowtow to her because she owns you.....Okay, so I'm bored, but I'm on leave on Thursday, so I have only 1 more day of work to go.Hell yea!
It's amazing how one night can give so much revelations and old memories.Was at MOS with Yan earlier on, and I met 4 people from my past - Zhi Yong, Chen Shung, Alex and Joshua(well, he don't really count since I saw him a couple of weeks ago, but oh well).It is startling how years have matured these guys. They were enjoying themselves with the guys, flirting with women, and even kissing some(ahems at Josh - don't need to look shy after kissing lah, lol), yet I just sat there, too lethargic to dissimulate my loneliness and desolation.It was then the thing called Reality surreptitiously came up to bite me in the arse. Seeing them got me cogitating on how and why did I let myself end up like this. I was simply left nonplussed.When I went to the SkyLounge with Yan, I saw a woman sitting on the sofa alone, who kept casting longing looks at this HK millionaire called John.As he passed by, the woman would timidly hold his hand and brush her thumb across the back of his hand. John did not even acknowledge her presence. When John'd finally stopped fraternising around, all he had to do was turn and face her, and the woman would walk into his embrace and looked like a happy little puppy who got patted on the head.Yan and I laughed, but then realisation slapped me rightsmacked in the face that it was something that happened to me more often than not. In my case, I would be the puppy who got kicked to the sidewalk and have to crawl back to its owner, whining.I shall hold on to this revelation in mind and sleep on it.
Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind Cannot bear very much reality.Time past and time futureWhat might have been and what has beenPoint to one end, which is always present.-T.S Elliot