Was at MOS with Yan earlier on, and I met 4 people from my past - Zhi Yong, Chen Shung, Alex and Joshua(well, he don't really count since I saw him a couple of weeks ago, but oh well).
It is startling how years have matured these guys. They were enjoying themselves with the guys, flirting with women, and even kissing some(ahems at Josh - don't need to look shy after kissing lah, lol), yet I just sat there, too lethargic to dissimulate my loneliness and desolation.
It was then the thing called Reality surreptitiously came up to bite me in the arse. Seeing them got me cogitating on how and why did I let myself end up like this. I was simply left nonplussed.
When I went to the SkyLounge with Yan, I saw a woman sitting on the sofa alone, who kept casting longing looks at this HK millionaire called John.
As he passed by, the woman would timidly hold his hand and brush her thumb across the back of his hand. John did not even acknowledge her presence.
When John'd finally stopped fraternising around, all he had to do was turn and face her, and the woman would walk into his embrace and looked like a happy little puppy who got patted on the head.
Yan and I laughed, but then realisation slapped me rightsmacked in the face that it was something that happened to me more often than not.
In my case, I would be the puppy who got kicked to the sidewalk and have to crawl back to its owner, whining.
I shall hold on to this revelation in mind and sleep on it.
Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
Cannot bear very much reality.
Time past and time future
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
-T.S Elliot
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