Coupled with the upcoming cosplay chalet that Sheng and his sis will be holding, my mind is currently awash with gothic lolita costumes, and namely erololi or schoolboy lolis.
Maybe I'll just scout for something during the BKK trip =) I mean, I'll have to find something to do since I won't be able to find normal clothes my size in Thailand, yea?
Anyway, last weekend was busy busy busy! My 'schedule' was filled to the brim with outing on Thursday, clubbings on Friday and Saturday, then birthday celebration for my dear friend on Sunday.
My loves.
Yours truly, Jessica, Sheng, Yan, and Ting, our birthday girl :)
It was fun, I mean, yea, it was an awesome weekend, I even saw Leo, but I think the lack of sleep took its toil on me and I'm down with flu this week. Bleah.
Oh anyhoos, here's some eye candy for you 妹妹s out there.
Actually, they're not much younger than me; they're 21 and I'm 22, but damn if I don't feel much older!
Damn act cute... Wahaha.
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