Saturday, June 06, 2009

Had, having, and in quest, to have...

... Seems to be all there is to life at times. Always about the quest to have, to own, to conquer, and then beat your chest to proclaim to the world: "I am the BEST!"

You see something you like, you want to own it. You see someone you like, you want to have him/her.  You want it permanent, you want to call it YOURS. Your first impulse would certainly be NOT to share.

Unfortunately, the world doesn't work like that. Treasure the occasions where you do have things just falling into your lap, and treasure even the moments that you fought for something but it didn't last. 

Treasure what goes on in your life right now that gives you joy, because nothing lasts forever. 

Author's notes: I admit, this entry sounds a lil grim, but it's not being emo, lmao.  Just a thought that came into mind while browsing through some of my previous entries.

Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est.

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