Sunday, June 21, 2009


I'm sitting here, staring at my laptop, trying to think of ANYthing interesting to blog about after a night of sinful dinner at 7atenine and way too many bottles of beer at Howl at the Moon while nursing a persistent hangover from yesterday.

I have come to realise that my recent excessive drinking is concurrent with the meeting of Strawberry. I mean, I admit - I do drink like a fish usually, but it used to be limited to the usual Fridays, the occasional inclusion of Saturdays, and the rare weekday that I allow myself to indulge. And 90% of the time, it's just whiskey and tequila. But now? Looking at my credit card bill, I realised I've been drinking beer and whatnot every 2 days at the very least for the past month or so. Having thus decided to limit my drinking with forbearance in consideration of my liver and 'weight loss programme', and to abstain from alcohol for the next one week, AA meetings are still unwarranted.

Strawberry actually reads my blog. And I know I shouldn't be talking about how I've been drinking more since meeting him, 'cos the hell if I'm going to let him think that this two occurrences are entirely co-related, but fuck, I reckon he already thinks so. 

Anyhoo, today was the first time that he did not text me. Not that I'm surprised or particularly distressed, considering we had a sorta spat yesterday, what with him with the short end of patience after being stressed out at work, and me, frustrated over where the hell this thing is going, knowing full well that it will eventually end up nowhere. I suppose it will be a good thing if he opts to make that our final contact; I hate it that I gave him the unnecessary guilt, and lord knows, I carry enough of it for the both of us. Maybe its time to do the right thing and leave the poor guy alone. Maybe.

10 days since I last blogged. And I've been meaning to blog since 8 days ago, but unfortunately, my creative juices are all dried up. All I'm left with is... Well, moonshine, anyone?

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