Watching football with us... Lol. "Go Newcastle!"
Isn't she a doll?!
xD! And yes, I obviously named her Ophelia from Hamlet. Wanted to name her Cordelia from King Lear but that was one of the names from the Buffyverse, so I gave it up.
No, my baby is not crazy like Ophelia.
Our little Ophie has been a darling; Quick to learn, she'd only pee outside the litter box once, before she learnt to do her "businesses" on the newspapers from then on.
She's tame when we hold her, and active when we play with her. Nothing else much that I can ask for xD.
We splashed alot of moolah on her within the hour she was put into my lap, but it was worth it. Okay, so maybe the poops and midnight whinings for our attention kinda really sucks, but she's still worth it. Thanks dear, for bringing her back!
Baby Ophelia, it doesn't matter that you're a stray. Mummy will still love you as if she picked you out herself. xD!
Okay, that was a lil lame. I guess I just miss her terribly =\. Back to work now, take care mates!
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