"Hi, er, ha ha ha, hi. You look, er, ha ha, alot like my friend *more awkward laughing*. Don't be shocked, it's just, er, ha ha, you really look like my friend. My name is Edward, ha, what is your name?"
Okay, so maybe there weren't so many "ha ha"s but that his embarassed/awkward laughters was the only thing I remembered vividly.
Right, I look alot like your friend. More like the high slit in my skirt and the flattering top that showed abit of my cleavage had reminded you of your friend, innit?
I seriously wonder what kind of people read my blog nowadays. I mean, yea, there's friends, but soddin' hell, who the hell in their right mind would wank to my pics?
I was considering taking out the option that barrs people from right-clicking on my blog, but I'd rather think not now.
I'm not really a stuck up tight ass or something, because, right man, right words? -- Yea, bring it on. But some men just make me sick.
Bleah. Anyway, I went to Orchard to check out the other Absolute Comics shop in Lucky Plaza. So when I was on the way back, I saw the Chin Jia Gay Festival.
Oops, I mean Chingay. I'm not sure if it was the final rehearsal, or before it started, but all I saw was the fancy cars parked there and the people practising their moves.
So many animal-themed cars... But I didn't see a dog-themed one. What's up with that?
Run-of-the-mill lotus kids and butterflies/flowery people.
I know the last picture was too blurry -- I tried to take a pic of the sexy violin-playing ladies in shiny clothes for you guys, but I couldn't hold my digicam still enough for night-mode. My apologies :P.
I never had an avid interest in Chingay before, but I think it's more or less the same every year. They have your flowery-dressed people, hip-hop wannabes, cute guys, cute girls, people dressed as cavemen, as cheerleaders... No wait, the cheerleaders were real ones; They were apparently some JC kids.
I was in the midst of taking a good shot of the cheerleaders for you guys to drool over, when my digicam's batt went dead on me again. Yea, I seldom charge it, so sue me!
Anyway, I'm recently hooked onto point 'n' click games again. I found this flash that's rather interesting; The Doo Wop Horses. If you are tone-deaf and has no sense of rhythm, you would find the "music" generated awful. To me, it's kinda cute.
Just a helpful hint: Click the horses from left to right, and wait till the horse finish 1 part of a verse before clicking on the next one. Or you can just jumble it up as you wish =)
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