My presents for him were newly wrapped when he rang the doorbell and I let him in. I looked at him, and then pouted, remembering what happened on the 31st where he upsetted me.
He then presented this shiny to me:
Truth to be told, he's so NOT the candles and romance type of guy; he just passed me the package without flair, but I guess he at least tries.
Note: This is NOT an engagement ring or promise ring, so your rusty wheels in the brains can stop spinning for a bit. (I, for one, would want bigger diamonds on my engagement ring)
He loved the shirt I got him, and he'd wanted to buy the Battlefield 2 game anyway, and to prove how much he wanted it, he actually played it till 8.30am, until I couldn't take it anymore and outburst at him.
I mean, hello, it's our 3rd year anni! Did he absolutely have to play the game today? He then went on to tell me how he won't be free from now on, but what the heowww, he'd never been free since he went for NS!
We therefore had a quarrel for about 1 hour, and I went on to cry my eyes uber puffy, trying to let him know of his problems.
Whenever we quarrel, he will always end up with a guai lan attitude, and he HATES it when I cry. Almost as if he hates me. To him, it doesn't matter that I cry because I'm upset and hurt; Crying is just plain irritating, period. Hence, he always refuses to look in my direction.
Probably the biggest problem with Mel is that he never listens. Oh, he listens, but he never heeds any of my words or cares enough to bother. He hears, registers, but ignores the meaning. All he cares about is that once I stop ranting, he can come over to kiss me and apologise and make the matter rest asap. He promptly ignores me when I ask for his reply to my thoughts and will fly into a temper if I get upset again after cooling down.
Till now, I don't know which hurts more - Him with his guai lan and ennui attitude, or him looking away from me trying to ignore the fact that I'm crying. Maybe both.
Anyway, moving on to happier subjects, here's the photos I took on that day. We didn't do much, sadly, due to the fact that he stayed up all night(despite claiming he'll be energetic the whole day) and I only napped for a couple of hours.
It was basically a a longer than usual shopping day, 's all. So anyway, I decided to go to Far East to shop, since we missed it the week before, and I struck gold.
He went into a shop to look at a belt, but he ended up buying this bag for me:
Quite lovely, innit? Kinda didn't look at the price before buying it and Mel's eyes bulged when he paid. Lol =X.
Went on to a couple of accessories shops and got myself these sweeties:
By then, my feet started to hurt in those wood base 3 1/2 inch heels I was wearing.(Check out the bluish-green heels in one of my recent posts) and we were ready to go back to the carpark.
Thank gawd I decided to wander in Level One again before we go, b/c I found a lovely, LOVELY shop...
It's called Simply Toys...
The array of figurines on display gave me hope that I might find some Buffy the Vampire Slayer related merchandises and I went in with trepidation. Stayed in for like, 10minutes in the small shop looking over everything, but oh well, like most typical shops, it's filled with Star Wars and Marvel comic merchandises.
Mel got excited over some AvP figurines he wanted to buy, and a 12 inch Venom figurine that cost $270. *Takes note to save for it*
Was about to leave the shop when I casually swept my eyes up on top the display racks and I gave a loud gasp.
My breath caught in my throat and I covered my gasp...
My eyes widened and pupils dilated...
My kneels weakened and threatened to buckle...
MAMA MIA!!!!! MAMA!!!!!!!!
So, the benefit of having a boyfriend who's not romantic enough is that he tries to make it up by buying stuff for you. Ohhhh yes, it's allll MINE now!!!
xD !
Even tho the Spike figure was bought as my advanced birthday present,(Oh yes yes, my BIRTHDAY IS ON 3RD OCT! =P) I felt uncomfortable at the amount of money he'd spent on me and we went for a cheaper dinner instead of the Thai Village at ECP we originally planned >_>.
That didn't stop us from attacking the food at Suki Sushi tho...
And aren't we proud!
We then went on to watch One More Chance, by Jack Neo and gang. It's really awesome. I mean, what else can beat local films? Tons of "Nabei"s, funny dialogues in Hokkien that only Singaporeans will understand, and the typical Singaporean reaction to ex-convicts.
"The judge sentenced me to 10 years jail, and you sentenced me death!"
Hui-ge's interaction with the mother touched me most. When he cried uncontrollably(his expression was hilarious at the same time) in the scene when his mother told him she never gave up on him, I sobbed along. It reminded me of my situation with my mother and it wrenched my heart to see it acted out...
If you haven't watch it, make sure you do. Aside for the unsatisfactory and weird ending(watch it for yourself), you gotta love Jack Neo's new style in the movie.
Anyway, I know I've been posting quite abit of pictures lately, but bear with me for a week or so, and things will return to normal.
It's Melvin's PoP tomorrow, and we're going to the zoo somewhere this week, so there will be bombardments of photos yet again :D.
Gotta go now, 'ta.
I ask not how thy suffering came,
If by sin, or if by shame,
Or if by Fate's capricious rulings:
To my large pity all's the same.
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