Okay, enough of my P-U.SF =P No, I'm not going to explain what P-U.SF means. You may have your fun trying to scramble the acroynm, but it's mostly for myself to look and laugh at.
Anyhoo, my niece, SinYee, is bloody adorable. She's a 3 year old brat, yea, but the way she acted when my mum refused to let her play with the straw constantly? Priceless. She ran into the room, tried to close it and waved her arm trying to smack away my mum's hand, until my mum relented and she locked the door in her face.
Ahh, yes, a perfect spoilt princess in the making. Thanks to my mum and uncle. I wonder how she's going to take it when my incoming new niece is due on October. *Am listening to her cry right now*
Oh yes yes, I'm the "proud" Aunt of 3 lovely girls, Eileen (20), Jasmine (18), SinYee (3). 4 girls come October. I've been an Aunt all my life by the way; my sis conceived Eileen 6 months before my mum. I kinda resigned myself to the fate when I get to meet my nieces' boyfriends and exs.
"Oh ______, meet Jennifer, my Auntie." Accent on Auntie.
Yes Jasmine, I'd never fail to notice your sis and you always stressing on the fact that I'm your Auntie. Can't even make it sound nicer and a little more sophisticated with Aunt. =( Makes me feel all old and prudish.
So anyway, if I'm not wrong, I'm going to my di's place to play Monopoly with him, Zhiwei, Rui Sheng, Shawn and their girlfriends. Should be a bloody riot; haven't played that game since I was a sodding kid.
I had my bro take my digicam over yesterday night so he can take photos of Shawn tattoo-ing for my friends. Hopefully he captured their tortured expressions. I'll upload the pics tomorrow.
I just wish Mel wouldn't be that jealous; it would put me in a better state of mind. It's not that he's insecured and what all, he's just jealous of the fact that my friends get to spend time with me and he don't. Sigh.
I had an small episode with Melvin yesterday and it's upsetting me more than I'm willing to admit, what with the anniversary coming up in 2 days and all. In fact, I was so freakin' tired last night but after the quarrel, the frustration + insomnia kicked in and I haven't had a wink yet.
I just hope tonight will be a fun one and perhaps ask them for some ideas for a present. What can I say? The old Jennifer is no more.
Time to get off now. 'Ta.
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