I wanted to finish my update yesterday, but I was too exhausted when I got home.
I was at Eski bar with Jas and her cousin Lee Ling for like, 30mins only, so I barely felt the cold. I even sweated a lil! Our breaths did get fogged up in the end, and I love being cold, so I'm most prolly go over there again sometime soon ^^"
Me and my niece Jas =P

Jas's friends, Shawn and er, friend, came over at 1am but the bar was closing. I then suggested MS xD It's been a while since I've went there. Wanted to go Cheeky's to @_@ around, but the guys wanted MW, so we went there instead.
That's about the only place I haven't went in MS... Lmao but they regarded me as "chiongster" and asked me so many questions about the charges blah blah. How would I know! I'm not the MS street directory... I used to know, but it'd been a longggg time.
Anyway, MW is my new favourite place in Sultan =] Another nice place to chill out in. Wanted to dance at the R&B room but it was practically deserted, but the techno room was packed. The guys got Chivas for us... How sweet! I thought they might get a few drinks for us, but awww...!
Boy, I bet they regretted doing that. I drank more than all the other 4 put together.
It's not as good as Martell, but it's certainly good enough! I like 'em bourbon or on the rocks, and once I start, I can't stop. The last time I drank was at Zhi Zhong's birthday a while ago :(
Lee Ling, Jas, and me after some drinks. We could barely keep our eyes opened... Lol~~ =X
Told you I'm fat >_>
And in courtesy of our friendly sponsors, the guys! I didn't even spent a cent yesterday night! Thank you again :D
And last but not least, my friendly chauffeur for the night, Mel.
Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.
- William Shakespeare
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