Here's the first. I bought them off Yahoo! Auctions a few days ago and I'd finally picked it up from the friendly seller in City Hall on Monday.
"Grr, argh! *Voice from the left: I'm one of the Gentlemen. Would you like me to cut your heart out?"* *Voice from the right: I'm the Master, bow down to me and never deny my orders!"
Went to Malaysia today. Didn't get the Kota Tinggi trip we were promised. My father said that Mei Rou (my half-sister) had school tuition so she can't skip it. Can't say I was totally surprised.
Xinyi, my youngest niece, smiling and waving for my digicam on our way into M'sia.
"Hi, I'm the adorable brat from the Lim family who will soon not be the youngest one to dote on in 5months, so I'm making the most of it. So there!" I then left my digicam in my "Jiu Jiu"'s car forgetfully.
We went to Holiday Plaza/Inn (Forgotten the name of the mall) immediately after a yummy lunch of Bak Kut Teh at "Zhu Ling".
Got myself these all from there:
2 pack of necessities, 1 pack of cutie-looking Pall Mall (Is it me or did the small pack shrunk in size again?), a shirt from Scratch, and a pair of sunglasses, complimentary of my bro and sis-in-law.
The shirt's meant for Mel but it fits us both so I imagine myself wearing it very often once he goes into NS in about 11 days' time.
Magic The Gathering, 20 years from now. Actually it's just an "old friends" gathering that I gather is a little awkward - From left to right: The bumper of my father's Rolls Royce, Mei Rou, my dad's wife, my dad, my "E-poh", my "Biao Jiu", my bro. Still, my dad and my Biao Jiu are on pretty good terms.
Still don't get what I mean? Alright, I'll enlighten you. The 3 white pants on the right are my mother's relatives, and the 3 on the left are my dad and his new family. So there.
My dad, and my 10 years old half-sis.
I admit, it stings to see my father apparently devoted to his current family after what he'd done to mine.
Do you understand what I am trying to indicate, with this picture? Look carefully. What do you see? Gates, 3 humans, a bungalow, tiles, and well, 4 cars. Three in the middle of the pic, and 1 near the backyard. There's also another car to the right side that I wasn't able to get on the pic.
Allegedly, they still have a Mercs and a couple other cars, a.k.a every freaking person in my E-poh's and Biao Jiu's house has a car for themselves. Maybe a spare family car if they wanna go out together. F*ck the cheap cars and land in M'sia.
My dad. The man who was never really in my life; I barely remember about him aside the incident when I was 2 or 3 years old - He slapped me when he returned home one day and I refused to share the slice of Gardenia bread I was munching on.
I picked up most of my traits from him - Bad temper, pauchy cheeks, night-owl, rebellious, lazy, charms. Yea, my bro and I are practically made from his mold...
So anyway, it was a taxing day for me; had to take care of Xinyi most of the time because she was acting like a brat for no reasons (The only reason I can derive is that she IS a spoilt brat. Full stop.) and holding some of their bags for my bro and sis-in-law. They should have just asked the maid to come along *Grouches*
Then I had to get laughed at by my bro and sis-in-law (even my mum, when she heard it later)when my dad and his wife commented that I've slimmed down a lil. That my eyeline was ugly just because she doesn't use or appreciate eyeliner, that the t-shirt I bought was too small and looked ugly on me.
Is it really that bad? I actually felt comfortable and nice-looking in it. Sigh.
I also ended up having a fight with my mum when I got home. A huge fight that ended up in me stomping out of the house and demanding that Mel come fetch me that instant.
Frankly, she'd never really got over my dad despite the valid reasons that forced her to leave him years and years ago. She was so cranky and gan jiong the day before I went to M'sia, she kept bombarding me with threats that I'll suffer for it if I get home late/delay everyone etc etc. She even bought a present and asked me to give it to my dad as if I bought it.
If my intuitions didn't prove me wrong, I think she was peevish that she never dared to face up to my dad all these years, and was taking it out on me when she suddenly started complaining I'd left too many working clothes over at Mel's, which adds up to a grand total of three tops.
I was fuming and thinking, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT? GET OUT OF MY FACE! Feeling rather melachony myself, too!
I get a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y pissed off whenever she's like that - She complains and demands and threatens when she's cranky; She does everything that is clinically proven to piss people off.
I mean, I try to understand, you know, but it's so bloody hard everytime. Women in my family tend to just rattle off whatever is in their heads, and even if they regret it later, they're too head-strong to admit they are wrong.
A wretched soul, bruised with adversity,
We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain,
As much or more we should ourselves complain.
- William Shakespeare
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