Friday, May 20, 2005

So darn tired...

*Stifles a yawn* Sigh. 7 more hours to the dreaded operation. I really should be sleeping now, but I'd decided a couple of hours ago to stay up, so I can wake him up at 4.30am for his last-minute books cramming session. Yea, he has his final exam at 8am later.

I'm SOOO regretting the decision now. My back and bum aches like hell from all the sitting, and I could sleep for 24hours straight. Idk if it'll be wise to sleep now.

Anyway, could you believe Lee Hsien Loong agrees that Japan deserves a seat in the UN council? Gimme a break! I didn't think much about the "PLP" incident between Taiwan, China and Singapore, but, hello, Japan doesn't deserve a seat in the UN. At least not until they're willing to apologise to the world and do something about it.

I'm so bloody disgusted with the government. Not that I'd liked it much before.

So anyway, *sips her root beer* I hate my current situation. Anyone learning massaging, and needs a volunteer? ^^"

To (be)sleep, or not to (be)sleep, that's the question...

-Hamlet, William Shakespeare

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