Anyway, as I was on the cab today, I heard the DJs talking about the Japanese people and their mindset. I've read about their constant lies to their countrymen about the sins and cruel acts in WWII, but as of well, I never really gave a thought to it.
True, I feel that things should just be left behind, since it happened 60 years ago, and most of those who survived then, aren't around anymore. Still, there isn't a need to cover up the entire history! Brief mentions of the war in their textbooks doesn't help either. I know they have been cruel, massacring innocent people all over Asia, but did you know they raped some Chinese girls and then cut off their breasts, to let them bleed to their deaths? Or poking a bamboo stick thru their private parts?
What's up with their "superiority" complex? It is said that the Japanese can be very polite and friendly, but if you, a non-Japanese, intend to join their inner circle and become close friends to them, they'll completely shut you out.
I admire their sense of loyalty to their country, a tight pack, that's what they are, but I don't understand why they are not willing to face up to their past mistakes like Germany did. Bloody hell, Germany has been apologising to the world till now, for a mistake that stupid Nazi Hitler did. So, Japan thinks they can join the United Nations? Not a sodding chance.
I don't know, I just don't really like non-democratic countries. True, some democratic countries aren't as "holy" as they seem; always having some backhanded moves, but I can't really accept countries like the UK, Japan, and China. They ALL have a superiority complex. Brr. Not that I dislike the English. They're great; I speak the sodding Queen's English. Just... reading about what they did in India in the 19th century was kinda, inhuman.
Okay, enough ranting. It's not like me to talk about such political issues anyway. I do have an interest in history... Reading alot basically leads to learning about history. But anywayyy -
Right, well, there's something I needta say. I'm not working at LTA anymore. I felt terrible about it at first, not sure if I'm confident enough to tell everyone in my blog, but after some thinking-thru, (and a long speech from Mel) I decided to not feel so bad about myself. It's my first step back into the working society, and even tho it didn't fare well, I'm willing to give another try, to move on another step. A few steps more even, if Fate wants it that way.
Even tho I'm not working there anymore, I had to go over to get my ex-manager to sign my timesheet for me. I had a feeling at least one of them will throw some sarcasm my way, but heck, I was prepared for it ^^.
Well, most of them were very nice to me. Kala and Mariam were still smiling at me sincerely as usual, and even a couple other colleagues were pretty nice too. Only that Henry.. Lol. He asked me what I'm gonna do from now on.
"Marry?" He asked. Yea right. "I'm only 20, still young, I have other things in my life." I felt comfortable with that comeback =P I still have years and years ahead of me and I'm not worried about my future. At least my life isn't scheduled to fail from now on. I know I can still fix it, and even tho I have very low self-confidence in myself all along, I'll have to give my very best. ^_^"
Optimistic, aye? I hope it last, lmao. As how most friends know me, I'm rather pessimistic most of the time, but I always put on a brave front and a smiley face for all my loved friends. No need to make them share my burdens.
Right, then. Back to fixing my new picture album over at Friendster , and reading somemore books. Sigh~
And She Shall Look On Him With Forgiveness, And Everybody Shall Forgive And Love. He Will Be Loved.
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