There were boards saying 'Eat the Bankers!' and banker-esque manequins(black pinstripe suit with tie and white shirt, etc) being tied to the traffic lights and set on fire. I even read that earlier protesters marched behind models of the 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', representing financial crimes, war, climate change and homelessness.
Gotta love the English.
While I do believe that most 'well organised' protests(more like protests that have huge turnouts and went out of hand, making international news) are somewhat effective in getting the message across and garnering public's attention, I can't help but feel that the riot police's style of handling the situation was only inflaming the protesters.
Just like the basic theory of chemistry - When you squeeze a cluster of molecules into an enclosed space, the structure hardens. I'm sure that of the protesters that were present, there's bound be some who were purely 'spectators'. Enveloping them within police walls only forced the people to act out as one single entity, especially with the media there to aggravate the situation.
Oh well. The G20 summit will prove to be very interesting, though I doubt much will come out of this much-anticipated chaos.
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