Is that all there is to life?
On a sidenote, shortly after I had this 2 sentences blog entry composed in my mind, something unexpectedly happened.
A friend of mine that I had not seen since before my birthday last year, came up to my office to pass me a gift. Do you know when the non-festive, non-birthday last present/gift I received was?
Jan/Feb 2008.
It was a delicate box of Canelé chocolate as thanks from a VP from AIA when I helped him with his policy. At least that had a reason. But, but now, I got this...
He did not even want me to come out and thank him personally; He was exiting through the glass doors when I walked into our reception area.
While the watch is not a luxury brand, the amount it cost (I went to check it out, lol) is still nothing to sneeze at, for a gift that had no apparent reasons. It's sweet... But sadly, this isn't going to be a whirlwind of courtship that ends up happily ever after - I never had any feelings for him, and I probably never will. He is well to do, and nice, I guess, bringing me to pretty fancy restaurants for the few rare times we've met up, but he is much too busy and... Totally not my type.
It brought a small smile to my lips nonetheless. Maybe this year won't be as bad as last year was.
One can only hope.
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