n. The state of being stimulated, refreshed, or elated:
the feeling of lively and cheerful joy;
Ex*hil`a*ra"tion\, n. [L., exhilaratio.]
1. The act of enlivening the spirits; the act of making glad or cheerful; a gladdening.
ecstasy, euphoria, gaiety, gladness, jollity, joyousness, liveliness, animation, elatedness, euphoria, exaltation, inspiration, uplift.
All it took was one call from him, even though it was just via his Skype. I jumped out of bed wide awake upon receiving his call at 1412hours... Which was 0112hrs St Louis time, where he is currently at now.
I got so ecstatic that I forgot the technique to chatting on Skype is to talk s.l.o.w.l.y and give the lag time of 3 secs. It didn't even last 2 mins, and half of the conversation was filled with "Huh? Hello? I can't hear you very well." and just mainly about what I'm doing and stuff and griping over the lousy connection. I eventually lost the reception and hung up the phone.
*Sigh* I thought I was dreaming when I heard his voice.
"Hey, it's D. You're sleeping huh? *Chuckles*"
"No I'm not! No, nah, nope! I'm up!"
I heard celestial trumpets playing triumphantly in the background, which surprisingly echoed in sync with the memories of the fireworks that have exploded when our lips first touched on the midnight of last Saturday, as if it was 4th of bloody July.
Hey, I'm not that gullible to assume that I mean anything to him at all, not like the way he means to me; I'm sure we'll gradually lose contact one day, and this sweet tenderness (on my end, that is) will only start to kill me slowly, but I can't bring myself to care.
I've lost part of my heart to him during that short period of time we've spent together. It's only right that I try to fight for it and HIM with everything I have.
Si vis Pacem, para Bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war.
Therefore, he who wishes peace, should prepare war; he who desires victory, should carefully train his soldiers; he who wants favorable results, should fight relying on skill, not on chance." - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
I miss you so much, D.
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