Friday, June 16, 2006

I feel sick.

In fact, I think I am sick.

I barely made it to the washroom just now to puke my guts out twice and there was blood at the end. Ugh.

Nonetheless, don't worry about me. It's just stress I guess; It's happened to me before(well, not the vomiting blood part, but still) so the doc will probably just prescribe some valium or five for me like the previous one did O_o.


So I came down from my full-day Service Excellence Training at 5.45pm at work, intending to sort out some applications before I knock off at 6pm and go to Kinokuniya to grab my magazine.

But nooo, there had to be a whole pile of cheque submissions that I had to process by today, almost 20 emails for me to check, colleagues leaving notes all over my place, and dozens of forms pending calls and replies on a bloody Friday night.

There's 3 days' worth of travel applications for me to process by Tuesday, and one of the emails blatantly smacked me in the face, stating that the travel system and charging machine are down until Monday.

I then stared at the GIRO cancellation forms that I didn't manage to touch at all, when my head started to hurt, the world began to tilt and spin out of control and I felt like beating the crap out of the rich blighters who are travelling overseas this holiday month and screaming till my lungs bleed.

It's fucked. Everything's fucked up. I get this measly pay to do all this shit when I could have went for an administrative job with the same pay and be half as stressed out. I also have 2 papers to study for and tested by next month.

Worse still, my manager might be starting to think that I'm incompetent because of all the OTs I've been doing this month. Will they be able to see that my workload is actually inproportional as compared to the other new staffs?

Or is my working speed really that slow?


Where's the job satisfaction, man? Ugh, even I'm sick of all my whinings.

I'm simply not motivated anymore.

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