*Sneezes repeatedly* Whoa... Brain freeze.
I guess my body demanded the sugar intake after a bloody exhausting day at work today. Or maybe it's my weak spot for ice cream, I don't know. Either way, its definitely not of the good for my waistline.
Or for my wallet, for that matter. I'll only get my pay on the 28th, and I'm currently $370 in debt O_o Gave my mum $100 for Mother's Day only to borrow the money to pay for the Mother's Day dinner. (Irony, I know.) And there's also the $150 I spent on 2 skirts and a belt last Saturday.
I definitely need to spend less on skirts. I've not gotten any new tops in months, but I bought 4 skirts recently. And they are all so soddin' expensive! =l
Anyway, I've got my staff pass today! Go me!
This is what I dubbed the ah lian 'something-crawled-up-my-ass-and-died' face. Didn't want to take a new photo for the pass as I shuddered to think how round my face will appear.
Anyway, here's the picture of me and my 3 very 'duck'(read in Hokkien) colleagues that I got to know during the training period.
From left to right: Yours truly, Stella from my department, Eric and June from Call Centre :)
I think it was our vice of smoking that truly united us in the first place. They are really laid-back and friendy people, and Eric is eeriely like the male version of me in respect of our characteristics. Too bad Eric and June work all the way at Eunos now.
By the by, I'm training up my Hokkien right now. I'm not very sure myself, as to how the interest and urge to improve my dialect came about, but as per the usual young Singaporean, our dialects are really bad, even though we understand the language.
I'd recently upgraded my 'Hokkien grade' from D7 to C6, and right now I'm a C5, I guess.
Next target, B4 :D
Hence, don't be surprised if the next time you talk to me, I request you speak to me in Hokkien. Unless you're Cantonese. I'm looking forward to improve my D7 Cantonese to a passing grade too ^_^.
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