Went to Cineleisure today with Mel to collect my Coca-Cola trexi doll from the Cineshop after some yummy Mayim noodles from West Mall...
Got myself the Miss Congeniality 1&2 VCDs I wanted too xD Yay!
We then decided to watch "Election" (Hei She Hui) and, what can I say? It didn't get nominated for 11 awards for nothing.
Eh, nice okay!
Not too much gory, and the fight scenes were pretty awesome, especially the one where Fei Ji aka Zhang Jia Hui fought off 5-6 men and pressed a knife on a guy's back, before he slowly stabbed it in.
I simply love movies that portray lives that we seldom get to see. In my impression(I couldn't find information about the movie on the net), the movie is based in the 60's-80's, mainly involving "society" politics and knife fights instead of guns.
There was no gun fights... Refreshing, but it took that bit of edge off the movie too. Which bigshot leaders won't carry a gun for self-defense?
I loved both the Jia Huis; Liang Jia Hui and Zhang Jia Hui. Superb acting! Not to mention cute xD Loved some of the characters like Tung Kun, the loyal fat guy who kept quoting the rules, Soo, fat Teng, and Fei Ji.
The irony that Ren Da Hua acted as Gu Wa Zai's leader and Liang Jia Hui acted as a Taiwan Triad boss before, was not lost on me, but I think they could hardly find anyone else better for the roles.
It was quite obvious that when it was revealed that there was a undercover cop, Louis Koo sprang straight into mind. And the fact that Ah Le, the elected chairman did the killing by himself, was mind-boggling.
I mean, yea, Da D was too greedy for his own good, but the point that Ah Le seems to move about with no bodyguards and killing Da D on the spot when he was such a smart person? I was flummoxed.
If not for those sodding groups and organisations that will protest, I wish the movie ended with a bang. Just like 1 TV movie a few years ago; Ren Da Hua was in it too, but he was a cop, and he and his team got killed in a guns shootout in the streets. All of em.
When the girlfriend was staring at the TV screen in shock, the credits rolled. Totally sweet!
So yea, the typical speech by 1 ex-triad member talking about how he regreted joining the gang, and how the last scene was that of a wire fence(aka meaning that you'll never escape the law) was a little anticlimatic for a wonderful show like this.
People nowadays :( They protest and complain about everything!
*Sigh* Anyway, I can't believe it's Sunday already. Weekends pass so fast~ Haveta go to work in a little more than 24 hours' time... Blah.
Thou Art Indeed Just...
Justus quidem tu es, Domine, si disputem tecum; verumtamen justa loquar ad te: Quare via impiorium prosperatur?
Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend
With thee; but, sir, so what I plead is just.
Why do sinners' ways prosper? and why must
Disappointment all I endeavour end?
Wert thou my enemy, O thou my friend,
How wouldst thou worse, I wonder, than thou dost
Defeat, thwart me? Oh, the sots and thralls of lust
Do in spare hours more thrive than I that spend,
Sir, life upon thy cause. See, banks and brakes
Now, leaved how thick! laced they are again
With fretty chervil, look, and fresh wind shakes
Them; birds build-but not I build; no, but strain,
Time's eunuch, and not breed one work that wakes.
Mine, O thou lord of life, send my roots rain.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
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