I was on the bus after work and passed by the Canadian International School, and aww, all the kiddos were so adorable!
Apparently they were celebrating Hallow's Eve early, so I saw little witches and their stereotype pointy hats and a particularly adorable red little pirate boy, with the frills and whatsnot.
Too bad I most probably won't be able to go to a Halloween party since it's on Monday. 'Sides, I wanted to go as a female Night Elf, but I don't really have the figure for tights lol.
*Yawns* I hate the process of recovering from sickness. Still stuck with the bloody antibiotics and my back is all achy.
*Daydreams about James Marsters again* Ya know, apparently that's all I've been doing this year. At home, it's either eat, shower, sleep, reading BtVS/Angel fanfics or thinking about James Marsters.
Point of fact, my nearsighted-ness has worsened over the constant use of my laptop. Boo hoo! At least I'll be getting contact lenses this time ;)
I've officially gone blood shaggin' mad! (Hmm, I kinda realised I sound a lil like Austin Powers.)
Do I make you horny? Randy? Do I make you horny, baby, yeah, do I? What say, you, we go out on the down and swing, baby? Yea baby yea~!
*Toothy grin*
Friday, October 28, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Can you believe it? I'm sick!
Bleah! It's been awhile since I got caught with fever, and this time I don't even know why.
I was okay in the morning, I even went to bed at 1am yesterday night(which is actually a vast improvement) and the fever didn't hit me until lunch time.
My body started aching like a horde of elephants had just ran me over, and I started shivering when I got back into the office.
Probably all because of that little drizzle during lunch time. And I was using a brolly!
Ended up taking a taxi back at 2pm. Just went to see the doc. Medicines.. Bleah.
I've got a MC for both today and tomorrow, and as tempted as I am to rest at home tomorrow, I kinda need the money since I've decided to save up for driving lessons =P
Yes, driving lessons! The terror..! I'm not so sure tho; I always get slight panic attacks when I test-drive for a bit, and the car always lurchs forward. Or maybe I panicked because the Honda Odyssey is a little too big for a newbie. Idk.
It'll be damn convenient if I have a license tho... I'll be able to drive Mel's car around when he's too lazy to do so.
Choices, choices. Mehh. Don't wanna use the brains too much right now, they're kinda burning up.
Oh why didn't I get sick tomorrow? ;P I'll update soon... K thx bye~
I was okay in the morning, I even went to bed at 1am yesterday night(which is actually a vast improvement) and the fever didn't hit me until lunch time.
My body started aching like a horde of elephants had just ran me over, and I started shivering when I got back into the office.
Probably all because of that little drizzle during lunch time. And I was using a brolly!
Ended up taking a taxi back at 2pm. Just went to see the doc. Medicines.. Bleah.
I've got a MC for both today and tomorrow, and as tempted as I am to rest at home tomorrow, I kinda need the money since I've decided to save up for driving lessons =P
Yes, driving lessons! The terror..! I'm not so sure tho; I always get slight panic attacks when I test-drive for a bit, and the car always lurchs forward. Or maybe I panicked because the Honda Odyssey is a little too big for a newbie. Idk.
It'll be damn convenient if I have a license tho... I'll be able to drive Mel's car around when he's too lazy to do so.
Choices, choices. Mehh. Don't wanna use the brains too much right now, they're kinda burning up.
Oh why didn't I get sick tomorrow? ;P I'll update soon... K thx bye~
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I've finished my Cruel Intentions and Gladiator download. That's a staggering 14 movies for me to watch at my own pace... Lol.
Was slightly late to arrive at the office today... But heck, like I give a damn. Tomorrow's Wednesday already; mid of the week and I'm loving it! Friday will arrive in a flash... :D~
I've developed a love for retro; '70s Rock n Roll/Rock this year... I'm TOTALLY addicted to Little Richard, Billy Idol, ACDC, Diamond Rio, even the Ramones, baby!
They're awesome. Makes me wanna be borned in that era... No, wait, I don't. Then I'll be too old now *scrunches up nose and frown*
Sigh... Bored.
Was slightly late to arrive at the office today... But heck, like I give a damn. Tomorrow's Wednesday already; mid of the week and I'm loving it! Friday will arrive in a flash... :D~
I've developed a love for retro; '70s Rock n Roll/Rock this year... I'm TOTALLY addicted to Little Richard, Billy Idol, ACDC, Diamond Rio, even the Ramones, baby!
They're awesome. Makes me wanna be borned in that era... No, wait, I don't. Then I'll be too old now *scrunches up nose and frown*
Sigh... Bored.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Had my new baby niece's "full month" celebration earlier on... Booze, red wine and whiskey were broken out early, so I did drank my fair share.
Didn't drink much; did drink enough to feel soporific but I doubt I'll sleep early due to the allure of the laptop xD
My house was FILLED with people, 1/3 of em China, 1/3 of em old people, and the remaining 1/3 were relatives. Eileen, Jasmine and her bf Kenny, and I hid in our usual "sanctuary" place: My room.
My room's always for my cousins and the kids and my sis during family occasions or Chinese New Year. We'll always just lie on the bed or sit around to chat when we want to escape the noisy kids lol. It was fun. We basically played Dai Dee throughout the night before they had to leave.
Sigh... I wanna download Angel: The Series Season 2... But my connection's wooky here since I basically steal the Net with my wireless lan card =P so I'll have to get the season when I'm over at Mel's.
I have no idea why I'd rather download another season of a TV show than watch the accumulating amount of VCDs I've bought.
Lemme see... There's Mob Sister, Time Machine, Royal Tramp II(Lu Ding Ji), Possession, Casablanca, Miss Congeniality 1 & 2...
And I have Drum Line, Into the Blue, and Constantine on my laptop that I have not watch yet.
That should be all for now =X. Stupid Cash Converter just next to my block, and all the TS shops around!
Not to mention the fact that I'm currently reading Culture & Society In Britain 1850-1890, and Shakespeare: The Tempest right now; I'll never find time to watch my VCDs! =(
Blah I'm SO drowsy and achy right now... I slept at like, 4am last night and woke up at 7, but I really hate this lack of time for my hobbies and entertainment that I usually force myself to stay up till 1am+ in the morning.
Thank gawd I don't really have eyebags but my dark circles are HORRENDOUS. *Inner struggle* Blah... Guess I'll just have to stay up a bit more to see if my mind reigns over my body or vice versa.
6 more days to payday... Wee!
Didn't drink much; did drink enough to feel soporific but I doubt I'll sleep early due to the allure of the laptop xD
My house was FILLED with people, 1/3 of em China, 1/3 of em old people, and the remaining 1/3 were relatives. Eileen, Jasmine and her bf Kenny, and I hid in our usual "sanctuary" place: My room.
My room's always for my cousins and the kids and my sis during family occasions or Chinese New Year. We'll always just lie on the bed or sit around to chat when we want to escape the noisy kids lol. It was fun. We basically played Dai Dee throughout the night before they had to leave.
Sigh... I wanna download Angel: The Series Season 2... But my connection's wooky here since I basically steal the Net with my wireless lan card =P so I'll have to get the season when I'm over at Mel's.
I have no idea why I'd rather download another season of a TV show than watch the accumulating amount of VCDs I've bought.
Lemme see... There's Mob Sister, Time Machine, Royal Tramp II(Lu Ding Ji), Possession, Casablanca, Miss Congeniality 1 & 2...
And I have Drum Line, Into the Blue, and Constantine on my laptop that I have not watch yet.
That should be all for now =X. Stupid Cash Converter just next to my block, and all the TS shops around!
Not to mention the fact that I'm currently reading Culture & Society In Britain 1850-1890, and Shakespeare: The Tempest right now; I'll never find time to watch my VCDs! =(
Blah I'm SO drowsy and achy right now... I slept at like, 4am last night and woke up at 7, but I really hate this lack of time for my hobbies and entertainment that I usually force myself to stay up till 1am+ in the morning.
Thank gawd I don't really have eyebags but my dark circles are HORRENDOUS. *Inner struggle* Blah... Guess I'll just have to stay up a bit more to see if my mind reigns over my body or vice versa.
6 more days to payday... Wee!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Went to Cineleisure today with Mel to collect my Coca-Cola trexi doll from the Cineshop after some yummy Mayim noodles from West Mall...
Got myself the Miss Congeniality 1&2 VCDs I wanted too xD Yay!
We then decided to watch "Election" (Hei She Hui) and, what can I say? It didn't get nominated for 11 awards for nothing.
Eh, nice okay!
Not too much gory, and the fight scenes were pretty awesome, especially the one where Fei Ji aka Zhang Jia Hui fought off 5-6 men and pressed a knife on a guy's back, before he slowly stabbed it in.
I simply love movies that portray lives that we seldom get to see. In my impression(I couldn't find information about the movie on the net), the movie is based in the 60's-80's, mainly involving "society" politics and knife fights instead of guns.
There was no gun fights... Refreshing, but it took that bit of edge off the movie too. Which bigshot leaders won't carry a gun for self-defense?
I loved both the Jia Huis; Liang Jia Hui and Zhang Jia Hui. Superb acting! Not to mention cute xD Loved some of the characters like Tung Kun, the loyal fat guy who kept quoting the rules, Soo, fat Teng, and Fei Ji.
The irony that Ren Da Hua acted as Gu Wa Zai's leader and Liang Jia Hui acted as a Taiwan Triad boss before, was not lost on me, but I think they could hardly find anyone else better for the roles.
It was quite obvious that when it was revealed that there was a undercover cop, Louis Koo sprang straight into mind. And the fact that Ah Le, the elected chairman did the killing by himself, was mind-boggling.
I mean, yea, Da D was too greedy for his own good, but the point that Ah Le seems to move about with no bodyguards and killing Da D on the spot when he was such a smart person? I was flummoxed.
If not for those sodding groups and organisations that will protest, I wish the movie ended with a bang. Just like 1 TV movie a few years ago; Ren Da Hua was in it too, but he was a cop, and he and his team got killed in a guns shootout in the streets. All of em.
When the girlfriend was staring at the TV screen in shock, the credits rolled. Totally sweet!
So yea, the typical speech by 1 ex-triad member talking about how he regreted joining the gang, and how the last scene was that of a wire fence(aka meaning that you'll never escape the law) was a little anticlimatic for a wonderful show like this.
People nowadays :( They protest and complain about everything!
*Sigh* Anyway, I can't believe it's Sunday already. Weekends pass so fast~ Haveta go to work in a little more than 24 hours' time... Blah.
Thou Art Indeed Just...
Justus quidem tu es, Domine, si disputem tecum; verumtamen justa loquar ad te: Quare via impiorium prosperatur?
Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend
With thee; but, sir, so what I plead is just.
Why do sinners' ways prosper? and why must
Disappointment all I endeavour end?
Wert thou my enemy, O thou my friend,
How wouldst thou worse, I wonder, than thou dost
Defeat, thwart me? Oh, the sots and thralls of lust
Do in spare hours more thrive than I that spend,
Sir, life upon thy cause. See, banks and brakes
Now, leaved how thick! laced they are again
With fretty chervil, look, and fresh wind shakes
Them; birds build-but not I build; no, but strain,
Time's eunuch, and not breed one work that wakes.
Mine, O thou lord of life, send my roots rain.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
Went to Cineleisure today with Mel to collect my Coca-Cola trexi doll from the Cineshop after some yummy Mayim noodles from West Mall...
Got myself the Miss Congeniality 1&2 VCDs I wanted too xD Yay!
We then decided to watch "Election" (Hei She Hui) and, what can I say? It didn't get nominated for 11 awards for nothing.
Eh, nice okay!
Not too much gory, and the fight scenes were pretty awesome, especially the one where Fei Ji aka Zhang Jia Hui fought off 5-6 men and pressed a knife on a guy's back, before he slowly stabbed it in.
I simply love movies that portray lives that we seldom get to see. In my impression(I couldn't find information about the movie on the net), the movie is based in the 60's-80's, mainly involving "society" politics and knife fights instead of guns.
There was no gun fights... Refreshing, but it took that bit of edge off the movie too. Which bigshot leaders won't carry a gun for self-defense?
I loved both the Jia Huis; Liang Jia Hui and Zhang Jia Hui. Superb acting! Not to mention cute xD Loved some of the characters like Tung Kun, the loyal fat guy who kept quoting the rules, Soo, fat Teng, and Fei Ji.
The irony that Ren Da Hua acted as Gu Wa Zai's leader and Liang Jia Hui acted as a Taiwan Triad boss before, was not lost on me, but I think they could hardly find anyone else better for the roles.
It was quite obvious that when it was revealed that there was a undercover cop, Louis Koo sprang straight into mind. And the fact that Ah Le, the elected chairman did the killing by himself, was mind-boggling.
I mean, yea, Da D was too greedy for his own good, but the point that Ah Le seems to move about with no bodyguards and killing Da D on the spot when he was such a smart person? I was flummoxed.
If not for those sodding groups and organisations that will protest, I wish the movie ended with a bang. Just like 1 TV movie a few years ago; Ren Da Hua was in it too, but he was a cop, and he and his team got killed in a guns shootout in the streets. All of em.
When the girlfriend was staring at the TV screen in shock, the credits rolled. Totally sweet!
So yea, the typical speech by 1 ex-triad member talking about how he regreted joining the gang, and how the last scene was that of a wire fence(aka meaning that you'll never escape the law) was a little anticlimatic for a wonderful show like this.
People nowadays :( They protest and complain about everything!
*Sigh* Anyway, I can't believe it's Sunday already. Weekends pass so fast~ Haveta go to work in a little more than 24 hours' time... Blah.
Thou Art Indeed Just...
Justus quidem tu es, Domine, si disputem tecum; verumtamen justa loquar ad te: Quare via impiorium prosperatur?
Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend
With thee; but, sir, so what I plead is just.
Why do sinners' ways prosper? and why must
Disappointment all I endeavour end?
Wert thou my enemy, O thou my friend,
How wouldst thou worse, I wonder, than thou dost
Defeat, thwart me? Oh, the sots and thralls of lust
Do in spare hours more thrive than I that spend,
Sir, life upon thy cause. See, banks and brakes
Now, leaved how thick! laced they are again
With fretty chervil, look, and fresh wind shakes
Them; birds build-but not I build; no, but strain,
Time's eunuch, and not breed one work that wakes.
Mine, O thou lord of life, send my roots rain.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Bloody hell...
My day was bad rotten. It still is. I typed out a whole chunk of blog just now and it disappeared because I lost my connection. :(~
After a tiring and lousy day at the office, I decided to take the free bus all the way to it's final stop, Far East Plaza so I could go buy the Spiderman vs Venom figurine my boyfriend wanted.
Yep, it's rather darn far from Cineleisure but I had time, so I trodded on.
10 minutes and 2 cigarettes later, I finally reached Cine before I realised I'd forgot where the shop was. I went up to the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th floor repeatedly like a fool before I found it on the 4th lol.
I strolled purposefully towards the Cineshop, and asked to buy the figurine. Man, I got that girl surprised, seeing another girl walk in and asking to buy a $350 figurine within 10seconds. She was all "wow" and "whew" and almost dropped the statue when she took it out of the cabinet -.-
Somehow, they did not think of getting big plastic bags ready for the customers who might buy their displays in big-assed boxes. I mean, whatever do you price them for then?
I wasted 30minutes standing like a bloody overgrown child waiting to buy her Christmas present and they got me a lousy TRANSPARENT PLASTIC BAG! It's the giant version of the clear bags you use for candies, ya know?
All for this thing that costs me 1/3 of my monthly pay =( :

Thank goodness the money ain't mine.
So anyway, the bag naturally has no holes for me to grab through, so they spent another 15minutes searching for ROPES. Sodding gits.
The girl and manager finally returned with some pink raffle rope, and those tiny plasticy clear string and started to tie my box up. I could only stare in horror as they tied it into a cake like thing and even used the raffles to make 2 "handles" for me to hold on to.
What the hell.
They obviously won't hold; I didn't know what the manager was thinking about, so I decided to hail a cab home. When I'd eventually struggled to B1 through the crowd, the freaking ATM machines would only dispense $50 notes. (Yes, I'm poor, whatever do you want?!)
Blardy hell!!!
Pissed off, I headed straight for Somerset MRT station without thinking of finding another ATM machine.
People kept staring at me while I grunted, sweated, staggered and carried the box in both hands while struggling to keep my bag on my shoulder. Looked like a bloody fool was what I did =(.
On the escalator down to the station, some skaterboy/punk wannabes snickered at me, whispering that I couldn't afford a proper carrier.
I almost snarled at them, wanted to rip them apart with claws if I had em, but on deciding that they were just jealous they couldn't afford a Marvel collectible while a girly girl could, and that I am a self-sufficient woman of substance, I ignored them.
When the torturous journey was coming to an end, I heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that my bad luck is over for the night.
But no no, whoever the Powers That Be are, they thought I deserved more.
The ropes freaking SNAPPED!
I almost screamed out in protest and I bet the heavens were laughing.Bastards Meanies. They sure have a wry sense of humor.
*Takes a look at the box with heavy eyes and shakes her head* Sigh. Whatever possessed me to collect it today? Must be bugs.
Oh well. I'ma go surf the Net and make use of my practically non-existent free time. Will show you my story of "A Glimpse of a day into Batman's life" soon. ;)
"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself."
After a tiring and lousy day at the office, I decided to take the free bus all the way to it's final stop, Far East Plaza so I could go buy the Spiderman vs Venom figurine my boyfriend wanted.
Yep, it's rather darn far from Cineleisure but I had time, so I trodded on.
10 minutes and 2 cigarettes later, I finally reached Cine before I realised I'd forgot where the shop was. I went up to the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th floor repeatedly like a fool before I found it on the 4th lol.
I strolled purposefully towards the Cineshop, and asked to buy the figurine. Man, I got that girl surprised, seeing another girl walk in and asking to buy a $350 figurine within 10seconds. She was all "wow" and "whew" and almost dropped the statue when she took it out of the cabinet -.-
Somehow, they did not think of getting big plastic bags ready for the customers who might buy their displays in big-assed boxes. I mean, whatever do you price them for then?
I wasted 30minutes standing like a bloody overgrown child waiting to buy her Christmas present and they got me a lousy TRANSPARENT PLASTIC BAG! It's the giant version of the clear bags you use for candies, ya know?
All for this thing that costs me 1/3 of my monthly pay =( :
Thank goodness the money ain't mine.
So anyway, the bag naturally has no holes for me to grab through, so they spent another 15minutes searching for ROPES. Sodding gits.
The girl and manager finally returned with some pink raffle rope, and those tiny plasticy clear string and started to tie my box up. I could only stare in horror as they tied it into a cake like thing and even used the raffles to make 2 "handles" for me to hold on to.
What the hell.
They obviously won't hold; I didn't know what the manager was thinking about, so I decided to hail a cab home. When I'd eventually struggled to B1 through the crowd, the freaking ATM machines would only dispense $50 notes. (Yes, I'm poor, whatever do you want?!)
Blardy hell!!!
Pissed off, I headed straight for Somerset MRT station without thinking of finding another ATM machine.
People kept staring at me while I grunted, sweated, staggered and carried the box in both hands while struggling to keep my bag on my shoulder. Looked like a bloody fool was what I did =(.
On the escalator down to the station, some skaterboy/punk wannabes snickered at me, whispering that I couldn't afford a proper carrier.
I almost snarled at them, wanted to rip them apart with claws if I had em, but on deciding that they were just jealous they couldn't afford a Marvel collectible while a girly girl could, and that I am a self-sufficient woman of substance, I ignored them.
When the torturous journey was coming to an end, I heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that my bad luck is over for the night.
But no no, whoever the Powers That Be are, they thought I deserved more.
The ropes freaking SNAPPED!
I almost screamed out in protest and I bet the heavens were laughing.
*Takes a look at the box with heavy eyes and shakes her head* Sigh. Whatever possessed me to collect it today? Must be bugs.
Oh well. I'ma go surf the Net and make use of my practically non-existent free time. Will show you my story of "A Glimpse of a day into Batman's life" soon. ;)
"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself."
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Thank gawd.
The bugs in the posting a few days ago got on my nerves so I hadn't blogged since, even tho I did have quite a bit of things to talk about.
Went shopping for figurines at China Square last Saturday with Mel... As usual, there was no BtVS stuff for me, but I did get a Venom figurine for him and 6 PEZ dispensers for myself xD.
Deciding to keep the cost low, he treated me to Sushi Tei as my birthday dinner and we watched The Myth later at Cineleisure with our friends.
Yes, I know. Boring. But I wasn't in the mood for a big celebration as we quarreled earlier that day, and he nearly broke up with me the day before.
Anyhoo, I thought I would be able to be perked up on the 2nd, what with going to Escape with my god-bro and friends. I even got up early as they wanted and reached Pasir Ris at 11.30.
It turned out that only my god-bro arrived and after his treat of yummy Swensen's ice cream meal (4 sundaes, mind you! We almost couldn't keep them down.) and waiting for like, 1hour+, did the first couple arrived at 2.15pm.
Yes... The earliest arrival was late by 3hours. Some were still at home.
I was upset, definitely, but I didn't want to show it to Alan since he helped me plan and waited along with me. I was actually forced onto the cab by him because he feels that I should go have fun with my boyfriend since the friends were so "buay steady".
It wasn't so funny when after reaching my bf's house, I received a call from Alan that they have all met up and some of them wanted to make it up to me by going to the Kbox at AMK. Begrudgingly, I went and we sang from 8.30-11.30pm.
Frankly, if not for my god-bro, I don't think I would want to go. I'd rather spend some quality quiet time by myself and enjoy my birthday in peaceful solance.
Maybe I shouldn't have told Vincent that I wasn't celebrating my birthday and jio them for a tour around Singapore in our cars. It might have been fun with all the ideas they have.
All in all, my 20th birthday celebration wasboring still rather alright.
Moving on to newer and happier subjects, I've found a job.
Let's just hope what was told to me over the phone was true and the contract wouldn't come out otherwise.
Well, then. Time to surf the Net for a bit more and retire to bed.
Launching in
Houston, we have lift off. Jennifer Lim's boring life has officially launched into orbit.
Went shopping for figurines at China Square last Saturday with Mel... As usual, there was no BtVS stuff for me, but I did get a Venom figurine for him and 6 PEZ dispensers for myself xD.
Deciding to keep the cost low, he treated me to Sushi Tei as my birthday dinner and we watched The Myth later at Cineleisure with our friends.
Yes, I know. Boring. But I wasn't in the mood for a big celebration as we quarreled earlier that day, and he nearly broke up with me the day before.
Anyhoo, I thought I would be able to be perked up on the 2nd, what with going to Escape with my god-bro and friends. I even got up early as they wanted and reached Pasir Ris at 11.30.
It turned out that only my god-bro arrived and after his treat of yummy Swensen's ice cream meal (4 sundaes, mind you! We almost couldn't keep them down.) and waiting for like, 1hour+, did the first couple arrived at 2.15pm.
Yes... The earliest arrival was late by 3hours. Some were still at home.
I was upset, definitely, but I didn't want to show it to Alan since he helped me plan and waited along with me. I was actually forced onto the cab by him because he feels that I should go have fun with my boyfriend since the friends were so "buay steady".
It wasn't so funny when after reaching my bf's house, I received a call from Alan that they have all met up and some of them wanted to make it up to me by going to the Kbox at AMK. Begrudgingly, I went and we sang from 8.30-11.30pm.
Frankly, if not for my god-bro, I don't think I would want to go. I'd rather spend some quality quiet time by myself and enjoy my birthday in peaceful solance.
Maybe I shouldn't have told Vincent that I wasn't celebrating my birthday and jio them for a tour around Singapore in our cars. It might have been fun with all the ideas they have.
All in all, my 20th birthday celebration was
Moving on to newer and happier subjects, I've found a job.
Yes, A JOB!!!11!!!1!!ONEONE!!1! *Throws confetti*
Yup, sure is time. Now I'm working at SIM(Singapore Institute of Management?) as an admin or sorts. Not sure. Just an office job in the exams department. Their Psychology and English courses certainly look interesting, but I'm getting VERY sick of the photocopier machine.
Let's just hope what was told to me over the phone was true and the contract wouldn't come out otherwise.
Well, then. Time to surf the Net for a bit more and retire to bed.
Launching in
Houston, we have lift off. Jennifer Lim's boring life has officially launched into orbit.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Happy Birthday to Me!
- Happy birthday to me,
- Happy birthday to me~
- Happy 20th birthday,
- Happy birthday to me.
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