Sunday, July 17, 2005


Ah, internet connection. Something I've learnt to appreciate over the past week. Lol.

Just got back 10mins ago from a chat with my younger god-bro of 6 years. He and some of my other schoolmates came downstairs for a drink so I went down to chat.

It's nice to have a friend who still cares... He contacts me once in awhile and I'm touched by his concern, when frankly, I haven't make much contact with any of my friends for the past few years.

Like he told me, it's better to hear words of encouragement from someone else, who isn't family or very close(a.k.a my boyfriend), as most of the time, they sound more like pushing than encouragement... Pushing always causes me to shut down.

He asked me to go to a rock performance thingy at esplanade tomorrow. I guess I might go since I'd intended to go to Bishan and town for a breathe of different air, and look for job opportunities at the same time.

I can't believe we actually chatted for 2hours... It felt like 1hour, tops. He's been thru alot of shit in his life too, so we can relate. We've had plenty of "god-bros" "god-sis" thing during sec sch(the trend, baby) but I guess it's affinity that we feel comfortable and at ease with each other.

It's saddening that I can't open up to Yan, my best friend of 7years now, like how I am with Alan. I love Yan, cos like I said, she's my sodding best friend for 7 bloody years, but I've ruined our relationship with that quarrel we had 1 year ago.

Things patched up, of course, but they aren't the same anymore. Pity...

I used to have shitloads of friends, but now I only have a handful of those who still cares about me and keeps in contact. And they are all males. *Lifts her right brow and gives a look*

Still, no complaints. Life is still okay to me despite the shit I'd done to it.

Oh well, Ima go read somemore while I have the internet connection, and then hit the sack. 'Night.

Yes, no quotes tonight!

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