Thursday, March 31, 2005


Whoop de doo!!!! I got accepted for an admin assist. position at LTA! WHOOP DE DOO!

I'm still all jittery inside wondering if they'll "un-accept" me at the last minute and leave me all disappointed, but my friend told me it's nearly impossible. Let's hope so!

Did I mention WHOOP DE DOO?! Lol okay sorry for being so crazy, but this is such of a fresh start I can hardly breathe properly. I'm so nervous and excited all together!

Anyway, an hour after I sent in the complaint email (=p), Ronn called me (She's a very bubbly and pretty lady from Recruit Express) and sounded more excited then me lol. She kept congratulating me that I was accepted for the job, while I was there, dumbfound and laid back.

Now that my head is clearer, it's awesome! It's all perfect really, Sin Ming Drive, LTA, bus 130 right below my block and straight near the doors of the building, I'm grinning and chuckling so hard to myself, I can't believe its true! I just hope everything will go fine *cross fingers >_<*

Sorry for sounding all so Hip Hip Hurray mood, but it's really been awhile since I got a job. It has a 1 year contract tag, but I think I can cope. I will. xD

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