Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Ok the only reason why I'm typing this entry is a reminder for me to not eat any more Ba Guas, ESP. Gourmet Ba Gua, or bacon, for the next few months until perhaps Chinese New Year.

I just finished about 150g of gourmet ba gua, summing up to about 300-400g of it within these 2 days, and I feel as if I might melt onto the floor into a puddle of oil. I mean it. Its not the guilty sense of feeling that I'd prolly eaten up enough oil to supply for a week of standard family's cooking, but I literally feel sick with all that oil in me. It feels like I can pinch my tummy and oil will ooze out, or if I make small gagging motions with my mouth, oil will leak out.

Really! And they were pretty expensive, $5 per 100g. It's really time to spend that money on something else. Now's the only time I wish my hp bill will come sooner.

Anyway, I found this pic from Mel's hp that was taken maybe 4-5months ago. I really like it b/c it prolly made me look better than I look in real life. Rofl~ Maybe its because 4-5months ago, my appetite was still under control =X Nice ma? ^^" If u still feel that its ugly, theres nothing I can do lol. Like I said, it looks better than me in real life so there's that xD

Bleah... I need make up. I need... Better skin. I need... to slim down! >_<

P.S: I Luurrvveee my new blog skin! Isn't it sweet? I had a hard time choosing. Check out my credits and link section on the left!

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