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Sometimes I've wondered... What it would be like if I weren't bornt in Singapore, or if I were given the luxury of furthering my studies overseas.Sometimes, I've also wondered what it would be like for me had I not encountered certain life-changing events.Sometimes... Sometimes I gasped for air like I'd held my breath underwater for 5 seconds too long.Sometimes I hated my instinct for self-survival.Sometimes I hated myself for having such thoughts.Trying to recall when I was contented, I would locate it circa 1997, and 2001 to early 2002. Au contraire, if you ask me to pinpoint when I became melancholy like this, I don't know.Maybe it was always there.I can't put my constant state of malaise to words. I dare not, for fear of letting out this maelstrom surging inside me and hurting everyone with its whipsplash.I'd rather go into purgatory then get stuck in this limbo called Life. This reminiscence of my 22 years of life left nothing but a bad taste in my mouth.Let's just hope the good times will roll in again...Cogito ergo sum... Adequatio intellectus et
I was in his car last night, looking out the window when there was a slight lull in our conversation.
A yellow bike slowed to a stop beside me, and I languidly looked at the 'MITO' wordings, before my eyes roamed back to the body of the bike, and back to the wordings again.
It was then that I decided to look at the rider, and there she was, Jas. -_- What a bloody coincidence! Lol. The look on her face... Lol. Made me wonder if she had her contact lenses on.
Anyway, hi blogders. It's been a while, I know. I've had a long break last week, from National Day till a couple of days ago, and in doing nothing but eat sleep and idle my days away, I'd managed to recover some strength and energy enough to update my blog, before it collects virtual spiderwebs.
Hence, lemme upload a "few" choice photos to share. Enjoy!

After our background makeup class =)

I heart my vainity.

And this is our eye makeup class :)

The mandatory camwhoring picture.

With Grant at Bar Celona. I kicked his ass at pool that night!

Jim's party at Covo. It was fun and drinks drinks drinks until I had a fall and skinned my knee real bad. Bleagh.

Afterwards at MOS, obviously high. =\

Will likes to act cool WAY too much.


And one with the ladies - Eugenia, Ting, and Yan. =)

Pardon mua. I just felt like posting my picture with her everywhere. LOL. *gushes*

The cuties of MOS Smoove members'!


Ying! One gorgeous girl I've gotten to know better during the last couple of months =)

My favourite mekajiki that I had at Raikuichi. Mmm...

Where else?

A rare picture with Stanley in it (guy in middle). And I know I've flooded my entry with pictures, but I don't care! Grawr.
And the number of pictures that I didn't upload only stands to show how long I have not updated... Ugh.Anyway, just a brief overview over my life so far - It's picking up, like I said; My depression issues have not occurred during the past month, so it's all good, albeit a little dull.I'm also starting to hate my job at AIG, so that explains all the slacking and facebook-ing you guys might have noticed :)Anyways... I still have to go back to work, so toodle loo my lovelies!
Some of you might already know this ages ago, some might not, but anyway.I'm bi.Don't worry, if I had never shown signs of coming on to you in the past, I most probably still won't. I'm still jittery about this 'revelation', or what you can call as denial in the past, but girls will be girls, they ultimately prefer driving sticks even if they swing both ways =]
Author's side note: Ooh oh oh I've got Facebook, and I'm addicted! Lol. Add me, yea? :)
*Swoons* FYI, Colby Miller was one of the Cleo's Most Eligible Bachelor contestants for 2006, and he's currently a MTV Asia VJ.
I got to serve him at AIG front counter today... And he looked so yummy! So gawd damn cute cute cute cute ccuutttteeee!
Damn, I've got to stop behaving like a cat in heat, trying to jump or swoon over every hot man I see!
Anyway, some of you may know that I was a little depressed (with good reasons) and out of sorts the last couple of months, but surprisingly, life's picking up, albeit bits by bits and very slowly.
I don't want to jinx this, so let's just see how it goes then =]

Did this all by myself! Though I was rushing and used *gasp* contouring powder for my ENTIRE face instead of loose powder. Lol. But I still likie =)