I'll probably die of some disease rather than old age.
I smoke, I drink(not heavily), I was an user(now now kids, don't you follow in doddering Jen's footsteps!) and I don't exercise. Not in the strictest sense unless you consider sex and dancing as exercises. Heh.
Anyway, having an excruciating sharp pain in your kidney while you're playing Audition? Not fun. Not when your kidney feels like its cramping and set on fire.The doctor said that it could either be kidney infection or kidney stones. I have traces of both symptoms in my shh shh. (Lol.)So kids, take care of your body while you still can. Mine's already damaged so I don't see the point for me to bother that much anymore :P OH! Anyway, here's a picture I took with my laoban after the party. I swear, he's lovely, and the picture did not do him justice. I would write more about my jam-packed weekend, but it's office hours *shrugs*.
I'll post more pictures(yes, there's more!) after my colleagues have sent them to me. Floats around on a perpentual cloud*
I have a copy of this picture fullblown colour-printed and signed by Rudi. Maybe I am near-psychotic with him as I am with James Marsters. So sue me.